About James Crowden
James Crowden is an author and poet living in Somerset. Born in Plymouth in 1954, he was raised on the western edge of Dartmoor. In 1972 he joined the army and served in Cyprus travelling widely in Eastern Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan and north west India. In 1976-77 he spent a winter on the northern side of the Himalaya, in the remote Zangskar Valley in Ladakh. It was from this experience that he developed a lifelong interest in agriculture and Buddhism.
Flagon Press
Flagon Press is the imprint belonging to James Crowden Publishing and its aim is to publish local books with the same ethos as local food. In other words, local subjects for local books, local writers, local designers, local printers, alternative low key marketing, low carbon footprint distribution to local bookshops and other alternative outlets.

Featured Books

Cider Country
Join James Crowden as he embarks on a journey to distil the ancient origins of cider, uncovering a rich culture and philosophy that has united farmer, maker and drinker for millennia.
Available now, £18.99, hardback.
Cider Country has been nominated for the 2021 André Simon Food and Drink Awards. Click here for more information.
Latest News, Reviews and Articles
Oxford, Sparkling Cider and the Méthode Champenoise
One wonders how many bottles of champagne have been drunk in Oxford colleges over the last 350 years. Probably millions, without the students or dons ever considering how the clever…
Who Invented Méthode Champenoise?
Published in 'Petits Propos Culinaires 120 - Essays and notes on food, cookery and cookery books on 4th August 2021 Good Question.. and one that has raised several eyebrows in…
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Examples of Talks
James Crowden has given many talks and readings on a wide variety of subjects over the years. These include talks at the Royal Geographical Society, The Alpine Club, the Royal Society (on the history of cider!) as well as Paris: La Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Shakespeare’s bookshop, British Embassy and Avignon; Oxford, Cambridge and Bristol Universities as well as a wide variety of Literary and Food Festivals including Oxford, Dartington – Ways with Words, Bridport, Beaminster, Abergavenny, Ledbury, Hereford, Exeter, Tavistock, Ilminster, Crewkerne, Topsham and countless wonderful village halls, theatrical venues, remote farms, orchards and Apple Day events.